Rough Outline

Presentation Notes

  • Business Administration – concentration in international business
  • Can see myself being a businesswoman
  • Didn’t know what I wanted to do but business always in back of my mind
  • Learn how business works domestically and internationally
  • Learn how relates to covid


  • John Austin- an associate professor in the business department
    • Degree in international studies, got a job
    • Interested in “interested in why some people really love change and others freak out by change”
    • Comp told him to look at graduate school
  • “Business doesn’t lead to a single career so it’s harder to know what is important to help the students be successful when the students are going to be using the knowledge for completely different things”.
  • Business is a bridge to other things à very flexible major
  • Minor=important
    • Minor in math Professor Austin excited
    • Minor differentiates you from other applicants and shows a different skill set

Student Interviews

  • Lilybeth Ryan – freshman pursuing a degree in business administration
  • Has family business that owns and operates underwater research vessels globally
    • Plans to take over business
    • Business degree “includes the majority of the knowledge I need”
  • Says courses aren’t that difficult right now but are probably going to increase in difficulty
  • Liam Whitehouse – freshman pursuing a degree in business administration
  •  “chose business as my major because a business degree is very versatile”
  • Wants to start a fishing business with his friends after he graduates from college
  • Interested in marketing and advising
  • “realizing that there is more to college than just your major”
    • Taking courses and learning things other than business

Schoolwork and Real-World Work

  • Core classes already from high school (English, lab science)
  • Taking stats, business management, and environmental now
  • take courses such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, technology courses, accounting, and a few other business electives
  • also need exploration and social-global justices
  • also looking at concentration in international studies
    • business classes specifically to international studies (15 credits)
    • not in addition
    • also need semester abroad
  • possible career options of a financial advisor, accountant, public relations specialist, and a sales manager.
  • There are a multitude of options, and this degree will never be obsolete in our growing world because business is always going to be present in society


  • Interested to learn about organizational skills about business
    • Also how covid impact the economy and business world
  • Learn about the new age of business
  • feel secure that business is a flexible major and one can pursue a multitude of different jobs with the major
  • surprised that I need to do a semester abroad if I want a concentration in international
  • appropriate fit
    • don’t want to be in boring 9-5 sitting in a desk chair all day
  • concentration in international business beneficial
    • be in the world and dealing with real life situations
  • want to take full advantage of being involved in the world and having a position where I am able to interact with others and make a difference in the world.

In Class Reflection

I realized that I am going to make a slideshow in order to aid in my presentation. That was the general consensus of my group. We also talked about how we were all going to incorporate quotes into our presentation in order to strengthen our overall points. My general outline was taken well in my group, and everyone seemed to like where I was going with it. I do need to practice my presentation so that I know what I am going to say and am able to speak without much help from my notes. I feel as though presentations are difficult for everyone as most people don’t like public speaking. The best way for me to conquer this hurdle is to just practice as much as possible so that I am not stumbling over my words or forgetting what to say.

Overall Reflection

Overall, I feel as though this project was helpful in finding out about a lot of different majors UNE has to offer. I became very informed with a lot do the majors we have here at UNE and even might look into a few others as well because they seemed very interesting. I enjoyed hearing about everyone else’s presentations and what they were interested in. It was a good educational experience to learn about all the different majors UNE has to offer.

I enjoyed interviewing a professor and students in order to gain a new perspective on business and why people might choose it. However, it was a bit difficult to interview students and I was not able to get into touch with any upperclassmen which would have been good for a different perspective. It was most definitely helpful to hear what Professor Austin had said about business. It made me feel a bit more secure about the major. I also learned a lot about the curriculum and how I would have to do a semester abroad which is good for me to think about now if I do decide to further pursue business. Moreover, I learned a lot and I am glad that I was able to educate myself on this particular major so if I do choose to pursue it, I will know what I’m getting myself into.

Although I do not enjoy presenting, I find that I have had to do a lot of presentations here at UNE and it has helped to me to be a better presenter. It was not my favorite thing to do but practice makes perfect. It also taught me to always have a backup plan because technology doesn’t like to work sometimes.