GOAL DIMENSIONSNear Term Goals (Fall ‘22 & Spring ‘23)Longer Term Goals (2023-2026+)
PERSONALI want to sleep at least 8hrs per night
I want to do laundry once every week to create a routine for myself.
I want to travel abroad at some point during my time at UNE (This will keep me in tune with my environment maybe making me see the US differently when I come back)
I want to be content in my life and have a job set up for when I graduate in a career field I want to go into
EXTRACURRICULARMake it on the dress roster for field hockey Score a goal in field hockeyI want to be on the board of club field hockey
ACADEMICI want to pass all my classes spring and fall semester
I want to have my major picked out by end of fall semester
I want to graduate with a bachelor’s degree
I want to graduate on time