Event: Field Hockey game Sept 3rd
The first quarter was back and forth both teams making valiant efforts to score goals. UNE defense held their ground making awesome clear outs to the side of the field in order to stop play and allow for their other teammates to reset. This avoids any unwanted goals. There were three defensive corners and two offensive corners however the score at the end of the quarter was zero to zero. Six minutes into the second quarter MIT scored their first goal on a corner. There had been a plethora of defensive corners throughout the quarter, but the defense has successfully put down all attempts of MIT to gain another goal. UNE new however, would benefit from utilizing the entire field and switching sides using both left and right field. They tend to rely heavily on the left side which is the weaker side as the differences on their strong stick side. UNE finished out the first half 0-1 with high hopes of coming back strong for the second half. There wasn’t as many students as expected however, there were a lot of adults cheering on their children and the team as a whole.
The second-half UNE started off strong with an energized spirit however their energy quickly diminished as MIT scored their second goal five minutes in. UNE needs to work on avoiding passing in front of their goal as it is easy for the other team to jump the ball and have an easy shot on goal. MIT did a good job of using the entire space of the field. They are able to utilize efficient passing from the left side of the field all the way to the right side of the field and vice versa to tire out UNE’s offense and elongate their playing area. The game ended with a score of 0-3. UNE played a good game but just couldn’t get past MIT goalkeeper for a goal.
Event: Bingo 9/10/22
I went to bingo with some friends, and we definitely had a blast. Right away when you walk in, they draw an x on your hand so you can only get one board. All the prizes were big baskets of a bunch of goodies I was so excited. When they call off a number, they type it on computer which projects on the wall. There is always a chorus of booooos or yays. It gets very loud in the gym and people get extremely competitive. They start off with normal bingo then move on to specific types of bingo. For three different rounds you have to get a letter of UNE. We also played elimination bingo a few times where everyone stands up and if they call a number, you have you have to sit and the last person standing wins. I almost won I was competing against a few other people, but I lost. One of my friends did end up winning a round of bingo and she got the UNE swag basket which was so cool. I do wish they would call out the numbers quicker as it takes forever, I was there for a few hours. However, I did have a good time with my friends and bingo always warrants a smile on my face.
Event: Glow Climb 10/22/22
I went with the Outdoor Climb to go indoor rock climbing at Evo Rock Gym. They go weekly but I was never able to go due to scheduling conflicts with field hockey practices. However, I was super excited to go to this event. I’ve previously climbed at Evo before when I was younger, so it was a blast from the past to see the gym again and brought back a bunch of happy memories. The climb was also Halloween themed, so I dressed up as an alien from toy story complete with a tutu and three eyes on my head. Everyone’s costumes were awesome, but my favorite was Bob Ross. We got to the gym and received our equipment. I went to go put on my shoes and I realized he had given me two left feet. I was cracking up in typical fashion and my friends were so confused. Eventually we were all set and started climbing and it was awesome. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed it. About an hour in they turned off all the lights and we had a glow climb in the dark. We were all decked out in glow sticks and a headlamp topping off the outfit. Climbing in the dark was definitely a fun time and different from anything I had done before. It was a bit more difficult because you could see anything except what your headlight was directly point at. However, I’m super glad I went and brought some friends who had never rock climbed before either.
Week #1
Week #2